

Sabastien Udunna is a spiritual father and a pastor to pastors across nations. Sabastien and Brenda are passionate about impacting people with the message of Christ and equipping them to be effective in their calling and ministries according to Matthew 28:19 – 20. They have two boys; Jason & Jedidiah.
Apostle & Lady Udunna

Senior Pastors, Amazing Grace Community Church, Caney KS

The Gilgers are founding members of Amazing Grace Community Church. They have been part of the Church family since its inception in 2006. Pastor Gaiton is the Senior Pastor at AGCC Caney, KS and Lady Jasmynn is the Music Director and also leads the women’s ministry. The Gilgers are passionate about helping other people discover their desperate need to draw near to the Lord according to Joel 2:12-13. They have 4 children, Jane, Jonah, Joya & Joseph.
Pastor & Lady Gilger

Resident Pastors, Amazing Grace Community Church, Caney KS

The Dufoes have been part of the Church family since 2007. Pastor Sonya is the Resident Pastor at AGCC Caney, KS while Brother Claude leads the Men’s Ministry. The Dufoes are fervent about leading people to Christ and encouraging them to build a relationship with Christ through His Word. They have 2 beautiful daughters Savanna & Tanna and 5 grandchildren.
Pastor & Brother Dufoe

Outreach Pastors, Amazing Grace Community Church, Caney KS

The Ngoyis have been part of the Church family since 2013. Pastor Honoré is the Outreach Pastor at AGCC Caney, KS while Lady Nelly serves in the Music Ministry. They are blessed with 4 boys; Elijah, Joshua, Jeremiah & Jonathan.
Pastor & Lady Ngoyi

Senior Pastor, Fountain of Grace Church, Yaoundé – Cameroon

Pastor Terrence is currently the Senior Pastor of the Fountain of Grace Church Family. He was previously the Assistant Pastor of Worshippers Ministries International founded in 2019. 

Pastor Terrence

Resident Pastor, Tower of Refuge Church – Houston, TX

Pastor Yohan Ntone Epée began ministering in the church in Yaoundé, Cameroon in 2018. It was through our global church network that he met and married his wife, Jubilee who had joined the church family in 2008. Together they share a missionary calling to minister in the love of God which translates to every language and culture. Today they are serving in the Tower of Refuge Church in Houston, Texas.  

Pastor & Lady Ntone Epee

Pastor of Missions, Fountain of Grace Church, Yaoundé – Cameroon

Evangelist Mary has been part of the Church family since its inception in 2003 and is currently the Associate Evangelist at Fountain of Grace Church, Yaoundé – Cameroon. She is enthusiastic about encouraging people to live righteously according to Matthew 25:31-46 and warning them about the day of reckoning. She and husband are blessed with 2 children; Brenda & Rooney.

Pastor Mary

Senior Pastors, Worshippers Glory Ministries Intl, Yaoundé – Cameroon

Pastors Celestine and Julien are the Senior Pastors of Worshippers Ministries International founded in 2019. They joined the Tower of Refuge Church Family in September of 2021. Their passion is to see people denounce Satan and the gods of this world to worship the Almighty God and see His glory manifested in their lives. Exodus 23:24-27 is one of their favorite scripture, They are blessed with two daughters and a son: Destine, Triumph, and Wisdom.
Pastors Celestine & Julien

Assistant Pastor, Fountain of Grace Church, Yaoundé – Cameroon

Pastor Melanie has been part of the Church family since its inception in 2003 and is currently one of the Pastors at Fountain of Grace Church, Yaoundé – Cameroon. Her passion and desire is to impact people with the love of Christ according to 1 Corinthians 13 with the goal of drawing them closer to God’s plan for them. She is blessed with 4 children; Loic, Brenda, Dorcas, Danielle and a grandson.

Pastor Melanie