
Core Values

Core Values

  • God’s Word is the compass for everything we do.
  • We depend on the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
  • We are our brother’s keeper – We grow more if we grow together.
  • Servant Leadership – We lead by example
  • Everyone has a gift – We nurture & develop the potential within to stimulate spiritual growth.
  • We do not judge – we pray for and encourage one another.
  • Everyone is created in the image of God – We relate to each other as a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-gifted blend of God’s people.
  • Everyone is a candidate for salvation.

At Tower of Refuge, we believe:

  1. Both Old and New Testaments to be inspired infallible Word of God.
  2. In one God, eternally existing in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
  3. Man was created in the image and likeness of God.
  4. In the death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  5. The Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God in order that He might reveal God, fulfill prophecy, and redeem man.
  6. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
  7. Salvation is the gift of God, brought to man by grace, and received through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.
  8. Jesus is coming back soon for His Church.